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学生焦点:玛丽亚·克拉克' 25 (MSW)

Maria Clark '25 is an inspiring student in the Master of Social Work (MSW) program at 美高梅mgm平台

来自汉堡, 纽约, Maria balances her graduate studies with a full-time career at the Veterans Health Administration and her role as a 十个孩子的母亲 children.

渴望个人和专业的成长, Maria has found the Roberts program transformative for her spiritual development and academic goals. 在这个学生的聚光灯下, Maria shares her remarkable story and the impactful role Roberts has played in her life.



Because of the family members before me, I am living the American dream. 我的外祖母因年老而离开了寄养家庭, 我爸爸是从德国的孤儿院被收养的, and myself and two of my non-biological siblings were adopted from Colombia.

I want my children to know that they can do anything that they’re willing to work for, 不管他们的过去. I was abandoned in a hotel room in a third-world country, but with love and support from the most amazing family, 我是一个妻子, 十个孩子的母亲, 联邦雇员, 以及拥有研究生学位的西班牙裔女性. 

我掌握着自己的命运,他们也一样. 世界是他们的.

How will your Roberts education help you reach your goals? 

My short-term goal – I’d love to work as a part-time clinician. My long-term goal is that of Healthcare or Public Health Administration.

Most certainly, the end result of a degree is required for both my short-term and long-term goals. But beyond the degree itself, Roberts has really helped me to self-reflect. I have a greater understanding of my worldview and am better able to recognize the differences between my own worldview and others.




Roberts has helped me tremendously in being less intimidated by spirituality and religion. 

My spiritual journey didn’t necessarily start until I started this program. 我从来没有真正考虑过我的精神之旅. As it turns out, my religion and spirituality have guided many of my major life choices.


从能够支持年轻的同伴中学习. Students coming straight out of their bachelor’s programs are so dedicated and hungry for knowledge. They still believe in the best of people and have a healthy skepticism of systems.

I have two favorite courses thus far: Social and Cultural Diversity and Psychopathology. 

I enjoyed Social and Cultural Diversity because I love critical thinking and understanding different perspectives on difficult topics. 

我喜欢精神病理学是因为它的特殊性. 分解病因学, 诊断, 干预让我很兴奋, 特别是考虑到鉴别诊断.

克里斯汀·康西格利奥的爆头照 Dieuveut Gaity爆头 Hiie Eichenbaum的爆头照

Left to right: Kristine Consiglio, Dieuveut Gaity, and Hiie Eichenbaum

Who is your favorite professor and what’s one way they’ve helped you?

Consiglio教授 – Clinical experience and application to real-world situations.

Gaity教授 -他对政策的热情具有感染力, 我敢说,他使政策不那么令人生畏了, 激发了我对政策的热情.

Hiie教授 – Written feedback: this feedback has assisted in my accumulative improvement in written assignments. 我也喜欢她对教育的感激. This has made me more grateful for the opportunity to receive this level of education.


Maria at the adoption hearing for two of her foster children


从职业角度来看, I have worked with individuals of all ages with developmental disabilities, 精神疾病, 以及药物滥用障碍, 现在, 美高梅mgm平台的退伍军人.

从个人角度来看,我是十个孩子的妈妈. 我丈夫带了三个人, 美高梅mgm平台有一个血缘关系, 美高梅mgm平台收养了5个(通过伊利县寄养中心), 让美高梅mgm平台收养一个孩子.



What advice would you give to a prospective MSW student? 




I wish I could’ve told my younger self this: You will make mistakes in life, big ones and small ones. It is okay to make these mistakes, and you are still a good person. Make peace with those mistakes and continue to evolve into the person that you want to be.

What academic or professional accomplishments are you most proud of? 

I am most proud to have participated in a graduate program. 

我把研究生教育推迟了许多年. Then, one day, out of simple curiosity, I sent a query to Roberts’ admissions department. 因为我很忙, I honestly didn’t think there would be a program in the world that would fit my family and my needs. 

When I sent the query, there was no option to attend the program virtually. There was a hybrid option, but as I live in Hamburg, that would not have worked out. 

然而, 几个月后, my enrollment representative contacted me and told me this was now an option at Roberts. Had she never called me, I would never have entered the program, or any program for that matter. 我想这是上帝的信号,告诉我是时候了.

I took the leap, I was ready, and God made it possible.


Dieuveut Gaity爆头

"Maria Clark consistently demonstrates a profound understanding of the complexities within social systems and a genuine commitment to fostering positive change in communities, which is facilitated by her rich experience in the medical and mental health settings serving children and families. Her ability to integrate theory with practice is a testament to her holistic approach to social work. Her coursework is not merely an academic exercise but a reflection of her unwavering determination to equip herself with the knowledge, 值, and skills necessary to address pressing issues effectively, 特别是在心理健康和儿童福利方面. Maria’s exemplary dedication to her studies and passion for social work is inspiring and underscores her potential to make a meaningful and lasting impact in the field as a champion for social, 经济, 种族, 环境正义."

-Assistant Professor of Social Work Dieuveut Gaïty, MSW, PhD



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